2 months old
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Kylie's Baby Album


Kylie alseep in her crib...or so you think.  She always plays possum until you walk out of the room and get comfortable in whatever you are doing and then she starts to fuss and you know she was never really alseep to begin with.  Drives me nuts!


I have no idea who gave me this "dress" she is in but it does not look like a dress at all.  I do not even think it fit her when she was a newborn.  It does not even go past her little butt and that is why the picture shows nothing below her tummy.  She was not happy about being dressed in this one. 


The lights were out in this picture and all I had was the flash so this is the example of the "I'm sleeping...no not really"


The thing that holds her in from rolling around her sleep is the only thing we have.  I still do not have the pooh sheets and bumper pads like I wish I did.  Hopefully this means she will stay in one place when she sleeps unlike me!


The pose is " Mommy put me down to sleep and now I am going to pretend like I am sleeping until she walks out of the room."


She was a little mad at me her because she was hot and I was trying to get some pictures of her.  This was the last outfit that I put her in so she had about enough of the dress baby game.


Kylie is Grandma Willis' outfit

This is an outfit that Grandma Willis' bought Kylie.  I really like this outfit but it is getting so hot the only thing Kylie can wear is a onesie or a diaper or she breaks out in a heat rash.  Poor thing!
This is round one of the outfits.  She was okay with this one because it was cooler than the rest.  Well maybe except the half dress.


Kylie with a puppy.  On a sad note this puppy passed away because of heat stroke and we almost lost another one because of the same reason.  This was my favorite puppy and my best friend over her was going to take her.  But everything happens for a reason if nothing else to teach me to pay closer attentiont to the rest of the puppies and Kylie when it gets to hot.  I just wish she did not have to be the sacrifical lamb.  Poor thing


Kylie when she was still in a good mood about playing dress up
Kylie was super mad is the picture.  I should say hungry because that is the one time that she cries.  I had put a hat on her earlier in the week and she looked so cute and I did not have the camera charged and did not think about it until it was too late. 
Happy Kylie


Kylie in the whole outfit that Grandma Willis gave her.  She was a little annoyed by the hat because it mad her hotter but she calmed down

The whole outfit

Kylie and the puppy again.  You almost have to squink to see the poor thing because it matches the couch
A close-up. 


Kylie in the crib after fake sleeping for a few mintues

